Friday, December 24, 2010

Full text of Indian Mujahideen email on Varanasi terror attacks

On 7th December 2010, in q blast in Varanasi, India, A baby girl, 18 months old, has been killed and at least 25 people have been injured in a blast on the ghats of Varanasi; four are reported to be in critical condition.  A railing collapsed in a stampede  that followed the blast, contributing to the injuries. (To see the blast, click here: . Immediately after that, the terrorist group “Indian Mujahiddins” took the responsibility of the blast in a mail threatening all the Vedic followers that “Either accept Islam or get ready to die”. Below is the mail:-

Released by Indian Mujahideen

In The Land of Hind

Indian Mujahideen
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent,
The Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, we seek His Help and ask for His Pardon. We believe in Him and on Him we put our trust. We take refuge in Allah from our wrongs and bad deeds. Whomever Allah has Guided will not be misled, and whomever He Misled,
will never be guided. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, no associate with Him and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.

And all Praises and Glory be to Allah Alone, the Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth, Who revealed in His Qur’an:

(O Kaafirs!) If you demand a judgment, the judgment has then
indeed come to you; and if you desist, it will be better for you;
and if you turn back (to fight), We (too) shall return back, and
your forces shall avail you nothing, though they may be many,
and (know) that Allah is with the believers. (Qur’an 8:19)
All Praises and Glory be to Allah Alone, The One, The
Supreme, Who revealed in His Book:

 (O Disbelievers!) We are guiltless of you and of whatever you
worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has
arisen between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever, – unless
you believe in Allah and Him alone. (Qur’an 60:4)

And Peace and Prayers be upon His Servant and His Messenger
Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said:

I am commanded to fight the people unless they admit that
there is none to be worshipped except Allah, and that
Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah and
establish prayers, and pay the zakah, so if they do this then they
have saved their blood and wealth from me, except the rights of
Islam and their accountability is towards Allah”.
[Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim].

Here we are back – the Mujahideen of India – the terrorists on
the disbelievers – the radicals of Islam – after our triumphant
and successful assault at Jaipur, once again calling you all, who disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to accept Islam and bear witness that there is none to be worshipped except Allah, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. Accept Islam and save yourselves.

O Hindus! O disbelieving faithless Indians! Haven’t you still
realized that the falsehood of your 33 crore dirty mud idols and
the blasphemy of your deaf, dumb, mute and naked idols of ram, krishna and hanuman are not at all going to save your necks, Insha-Allah, from being slaughtered by our hands? Nor is your fictitious faith in monkeys, pigs and nude statues going to save
you from the Wrath of Allah and His Humiliating Punishment.

Know that it is only the true confession of the Oneness of Allah
Alone, with no associates, that can save your blood from being
spilled on the streets of your own cities.

We call you, O Hindus, O enemies of Allah, to take an honest
stance with yourselves lest another attack of Ibn-e-Qasim sends shivers down your spines, lest another Ghauri shakes your foundations, and lest another Ghaznawi massacres you, proving your blood to be the cheapest of all mankind! Have you
forgotten your history full of subjugation, humiliation, and
insult? Or do you want us to repeat it again? Take heed before it is too late!

Yes! We – the terrorists of India – THE INDIAN
MUJAHIDEEN, - the militia of Islam whose each and every
Mujahid belongs to this very soil of India – have returned, to
execute the compulsion of Allah:

“Fight them (the disbelievers), Allah will punish them by your
hands and bring them to disgrace, and give you victory over
them and He will heal the hearts of those who believe.” (Qur’an

Here we begin the answer to your tyranny and oppression,
raising the illustrious banner of Jihad against the Hindus and all
those who fight and resist us, and here we begin our revenge
with the Help and Permission of Allah, – A terrifying revenge
of our blood, our lives, and our honor that will Insha-Allah
terminate your survival on this land.

Remember, O you Gujarati Hindus! O you filthy, shameless
and foul creatures! O you Gujarati Hindus, most immoral and
the most gutless cowards! Remember whom you have fought
against! You have fought against the inheritors of a Messenger
of Allah, of a Prophet of Allah whose terror was cast on the
enemy from a distance of a month’s journey.

You have fought against the warriors who love death more than
you love life, who fight for a cause that makes them enter a
never-ending Paradise, who fight for an absolute purpose – the
purpose of making Islam superior over all religions.

So wait! ……………. Await now……….! Wait only for five minutes
from now! …. Wait for the Mujahideen and Fidayeen of Islam
and stop them if you can – who will make you feel the terror of
Jihad. Feel the havoc cast into your hearts by Allah, the
Almighty, face His Dreadful Punishment, and suffer the results
of fighting the Muslims and the Mujahideen. Await the
anguish, agony, sorrow and pain. Await, only for 5 minutes,
to feel the fear of death.

All Praise and Glory be to Allah, Who Alone Helps His slaves,
Who Alone Fulfils His Promise, and Who Alone Defeats the

O leader of disbelieving cowards and eunuchs, Narendra Modi!
O you base-born of illegitimate birth! O you spineless coward!
You boast of the pride of Gujarat and pride of Gujaratis. You
brag of your filthy faith and conviction in Hindutva. You are
the one who claims to be committed and devoted to Gujarat.
You sick politician who used Hinduism to complete your evil
desires. Look! We are back with the Will of Allah, striking in
your own land. With the Will of Allah, assaulting and ruining
your own cities, raiding and ravaging your own territory! Show
us where has all your Gujarati asmita (pride) gone? Look, you
have incurred Allah’s Wrath, You have provoked the
Mujahideen to massacre you and your five and a half crore
multitude of pathetic infidels who tortured us in the post-
Godhra riots asking “where is your Allah”? Here He Is, The
Most Supreme, The Most Sublime, with His Punishment to
chastise you by our hands. We swear by Allah in Whose Hands
are our lives, we will make you, O Modi, an example and a
lesson, that the enemies of Islam should learn from. This is our
beginning! Our commencement! Our Opening Launch! To burn
you alive in your own Hell – your own Gujarat.

O You sick criminals of the Hindu Parishad! You nasty dogs of
the RSS! Yes! We know you, we identify you by your ugly
faces! We will not be satisfied until we make each and every
criminal pay for every drop of blood you spilled and for each
and every cry of the oppressed women and children. Our swords are ready to cut off your veins and to push you into the Hell Fire. This is our assurance to you, a promise to you, a pledge to you, which Allah Alone, The Most Exalted with His Will shall fulfill.

This is our Qisaas – our revenge, and in it lies our life.

In the light of the injustice and wrongs on the Muslims of
Gujarat, we advance our Jihad and call all our brethren under it
to unite and answer these irresolute kafireen of India. We call
you, O Muslims of Gujarat, to elevate yourselves from the fear
of these wretched hindus, to unify all your courage and bravery
that you have in your hearts. Come! Move forward and grasp
the hold of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace be upon him). Get stimulated and reinforce all your strength to revive the same valor and daring as that of the Sahaabah (companions) of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
had. Show these weak-willed hindu cowards the onslaught of
Khalid bin Waleed, the determination of Ali bin Abi Talib, the
bravery of Saad bin Abi Waqqas, the heroism of Abu Bakr and
Umar, and the guts of Talhah and Zubair. Let these spineless
Hindus know that you inherit fearless courage of Salahuddin
Ayyubi, Tariq bin Ziyad and Muhammad bin Qasim.

O Muslims of Gujarat! Inspire yourselves from the Qur’anic
chapters of ‘Anfal’ and ‘Taubah’ and from the events of ‘Badr’
and ‘Uhud’. I ask you: Do you still hesitate to fight these
hindus? Just think how much you and we have suffered during
and after the riots. Think of the fraud perpetrated on us in the
name of the Nanavati Commission. Remember the blasphemy
of the Government in the name of judiciary and the fast-track
courts. O my brethren! I ask you and make you witness over
yourself. I ask you what good these bastard police and military
have ever done for us? They all are one, and they unite for only
one purpose – the annihilation of Muslims.

The terms Democracy, secularism, equality, integrity, peace,
freedom, voting, elections are yet another fraud with us. Have
you forgotten what the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
said: “The believer is not stung twice by the same hole”. I ask
you, who has healed your wounds so far? Congress, or BJP?

Do you still want the media and agencies like “Tehelka” to expose your torture and make money in return of your burnt dead bodies and present all this in front of the judiciary so that they can watch this ‘drama’ of your killing and laugh at you, seeing you cry and beg for justice. By Allah! This is much more
humiliating for us than being killed by their hands.

O Muslim youth of Gujarat! O you force of Islam! Stand up and
rise! Fulfill your duty towards Allah:

 “O you who believe! Fight those disbelievers who are near you
and let them find harshness in you and know that Allah is with
those who keep their duty unto Him. (Qur’an 9: 123)

 “Go forth light armed or heavy armed and fight with your
wealth and your lives in the way of Allah, that is better for you
if you but knew.[(Qu’ran 9: 41).
Come, O Muslim Youth! Make your preparations with
whatever you have. Join our ranks and help us – the ranks of
Indian Mujahideen to strengthen the Jihad against the Hindus.

Get ready with all the weapons you have. Plan and organize
your moves. Select your targets. Target these evil politicians
and leaders of BJP, RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal, who provoke
the masses against you. Target and kill the wicked police force
who were watching the “fun” of your bloodshed and who
handed you to the rioting sinful culprits. Target their hired
informers and spies even if they are the disloyal and betraying
munafiqeen (hypocrites) of our Ummah. O Muslims of Gujarat!
If a petty population of Rajasthani Gujjars can use force for
fulfilling their needs, then are we even more subjugated than
these backwards?

With these triumphant attacks, we send our message to all those
faithless infidels and their hypocrite allies from amongst the so
called Muslims like Arshad Madni & Mehmood Madni who
have bartered their faith in return of just one seat in the

Parliament and we hereby declare an ultimatum to all the state
governments of India, especially to those of Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Maharashtra to stop harassing the Muslims and keep a check on their killing, expulsion, and encounters. We warn you of your
foolish plots that you plan against us, thinking that you can curb
our missions and foil our targets. Here are our demands that you
must fulfill if you hope for your well being.

a) You agitated our sentiments and disturbed us by arresting,
imprisoning, and torturing our brothers in the name of
SIMI and the other outfits in Indore, Ujjain, Mumbai, and
in other cities of Karnataka. We hereby notify you,
especially the ATS and the STF and the governments of
Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, to release them all,
lest you become our next targets and victims of our next
attack. Don’t consider us heedless about the crimes you
have committed in recent Indore riots and all this will be,
Insha-Allah brought to account very soon.

b) We warn the Andhra Pradesh government, specifically the
Hyderabad Police, to release the imprisoned Muslim youth
immediately, and to be wise with yourselves. We are
watching you, and our ground-work to gun you down has
already begun. Insha-Allah, we will be rid of you very

c) To the Maharashtra government and the rascals like
Vilasrao Deshmukh and R.R. Patil, we announce the
deadline to take heed before it is too late. Don’t think we
are unaware of the SRPF attacks on our Masjids and our
homes, the insult of our Qur’an and your enmity with the
Muslims in Digras and the nearby areas in Yavatmal and
of the burning alive of three Muslims in Jalna with the
backing of police. Yes! It is all being recorded and you will
face the ill consequences thereof. And also the troubles
faced by the Madrasa students and Muslim women in
Mumbai Western Railways. We wonder at your memory.
Have you forgotten the evening of 7/11/2006 so quickly
and so easily?

You try to fool us in the name of fast-track courts made for
’93 riot cases, through which you wish to free the actual
Hindu culprits like Madhukar Sarpotdar who was caught
red-handed with illegal firearms while the innocent
Muslims arrested in the bomb blast case are being tried in
the courts for years and years. Is this the hellish justice you
speak of? I urge all the Muslims of Maharashtra to
denounce those Muslim MLA’s who prove themselves to
be the loyal dogs of Congress and NCP. Beware! O you
criminals! you are already on our hit-list and our cross-hair
now! We also alert Mukesh Ambani to think twice before
usurping and building a citadel on a land in Mumbai that
belongs to the Waqf Board, lest it turns into horrifying
memories for you which you will never ever forget.

d) The news of the lawyers of the Bar Council in UP denying
to fight the cases of our Muslim brethren has already
reached us. Remember, you are provoking us to repeat the
same blasts in civil courts that blew up your bodies into

e) Lastly, we intimidate and threaten the Media and the
News channels, especially the TIMES OF INDIA and the
TIMES NOW to be extra cautious in their propaganda
war against the Muslims. Your biased and impartial
approach to the news and the noise and the politics you
make of ‘Islamic Terrorism’ indicates your hostility,
hatred and fear that you grudge against Muslims and your
loyal allegiance to the cunning ones who call themselves
the “Intelligence Bureau”. You become dumb when it
comes to the oppression and torture of the Muslims, faced
in riots, firing, encounters, police custodies, remand homes
and civil courts and your propaganda turns violent to
project the ‘brutality’ of ‘Islamic terrorists’ and their
‘ruthlessness’ and their ‘merciless mentality’ and so on.

We warn you to end this hypocrisy or get ready for a
bloody slaughter.

The Indian Mujahideen hereby claim the sole responsibility
of the Gujarat serial blasts, planned and executed by Indians
only and it is our request to Lashkar-e-Toiba and other
organizations, for the sake of Allah, not to claim the
responsibility for these attacks.

This message is a declaration of hostility towards all those
who fight Allah, His Messenger, and His Religion. While
hoping for the Help and Victory from Allah we declare that
such and more severe attacks shall continue irrespective of
what the blamers blame us for.

The hosts (of the kafireen) will all be routed and will turn
and flee. [Qur’an 54: 45].

We ask Allah to forgive us and Have Mercy
on us and Aid us to conquer the unbelievers and
Guide us to raise His Word and degrade His
enemies with His Will Alone.

And peace be upon His Messenger, and
all those who follow the Guidance